Ms. Steph BTEC business classes have been lucky enough to have various guest speakers come in and join the classes to give insight into real-world marketing and business practices over the last few weeks.

This week, Max Simpson (Founder at STEPS cafe) came to speak to Y10 about social enterprises, which links to their current learning on types of business organisations. Here are some of the student’s reflections on what they learnt:
“From Ms. Max Simpson’s speech today, I have learned several things about social enterprise. Social enterprises mainly aim for the social impact and receive some profit. The benefits of social enterprises are that we can avoid the tax, get profit to help people, receive grants, receive wages, and shareholders are allowed to receive dividends ( in some social enterprises) . However, the challenge is the balance between the profit and the impact, and it’s also hard to scale it. The steps of social enterprise, specifically work with neuro-diverse communities.” Lillian (Y10)
“In today’s lesson, I have learned that your business would go much easier if you find a partner or people you can work with for example, a foundation that wants a sustainable community, you can work with them. Also you might not want a full profit company because you might want to help other people too ( which it’s hard to balance it out ).” Keaw (Y10)
“I really appreciate her social contribution. For instance, she helps children that may not have the opportunity to learn or socialise with other people. She devotes her time to the charity by sharing knowledge and giving warmth to children.” Petae (Y10)
“I think Ms max goal or success is not money. I think her success is to help a lot of people because I think in my opinion the definition of successful is not the same. Some people mean to be happy, some are money and some of them are to help people that mean successful in my definition.” Payton (Y10)
“Max, she will work to help people in trouble and unemployed. She would bring that group of people to practice to know how to work, Then she’ll actually send him to find work. She also asked for donations to bring that money to help people who are in trouble and to train people.” Oak (Y10)
“Ms.Max works in the cafe which is located in ST107, so if someone wants to meet her you can go to the cafe. She works to help people. Her business which is called Steps helps people in various ways. Expand the business so she gets more money than before. This will contribute to helping more people than before expanding the business.” Yeeun (Y10)
“Social Enterprises are made to help people with disabilities and people with mental disabilities too. Social Enterprises are given grants by the government and don’t need to pay it back but expectations must be met. Steps is a cafe opening at the school, and all purchases will help people” Avash (Y10)