St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107): A Top-Notch Primary International School in Bangkok for Future-Ready Global Citizens

Welcome to St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107) Primary International School in Bangkok

St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107) is a top-tier international primary school for children in Thailand.

We place a heavy emphasis on fostering a community of care so that every child feels acknowledged and valued. As we promote academic excellence, we empower the young minds entrusted to us to discover their distinct abilities and passions. As they do so, our school community provides them with all the support and knowledge they need to turn their dreams into reality.

Inspired by our philosophy that emotional health and happiness are crucial for children’s holistic development, we designed each aspect of our school to ensure that every child’s social, emotional, and academic needs are met. All members of our primary international school in Bangkok—from teaching support, to support staff, and even consultants—work hand-in-hand to nurturing the whole child.

Over the years, our green suburban school built a good name when it comes to outstanding education and pastoral care, and we continuously strive to provide the best and remain a leading international primary school in the country and on this side of the globe.

Ultimately, everything we do is in line with our mission to support each child to become caring individuals, confident learners, and responsible members of the community and stewards of the planet.

Why Our Primary International School in Bangkok is Among the Best

Located merely minutes away from the Bearing BTS station, St. Andrews International School, S107 campus is a massive and fully-equipped international primary school that offers the English National Curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Programme.

With our outstanding teaching and support personnel, extensive modern facilities, and spacious campus, our primary international school in Bangkok serves as an idyllic learning ground for children ages 5 to 11. Our school provides a challenging yet safe setting for young children to feel secure as they gradually learn about themselves and the world, they’re in.

Our primary school has a diverse, tight-knit, and loving community that consists of more than 40 nationalities, providing children with early exposure to different cultures and preparing them to become responsible and knowledgeable citizens of the world.

Age Range 5-11 years

Year Groups: Years One to Six

Key Contact: Mrs Kate Shaffer (Head of Early Years and Primary)

Specialist Subjects Core Subjects HUMANITIES
PE Music Literacy History and Geography
Swimming MFL French or Mandarin Mathematics Computing
Thai Art and DT Science PSHE

Our Teaching Philosophy

At St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107), we are driven by the belief that children learn best through hands-on experiences, in an environment where they are active participants in their learning. Teachers in our international primary school are not only well-trained and highly experienced but also passionate about being part of children’s learning and development.

We are an IB World school accredited by the CfBT Education Trust (Centre for British Teaching) and the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization). Our school has been granted the CIE Centre (University of Cambridge International Examinations) status, and we are likewise licensed by the Thai Ministry of Education and accredited through ONESQA (Sor mor Sor) the international schools inspection body.

As an inclusive school, we assess each child upon entry to ensure we are well equipped to meet their learning needs. We implement a rolling admissions schedule: we welcome young learners at any point during the school year as long as they fulfil our assessment criteria and sufficient space is available.

Collaborative learning forms the core of the St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107) curriculum, and we integrate it in our school activities to aid in refining skills that contribute to children’s academic, personal, and emotional development. We also integrate various activities that are proven to promote socio-emotional development into their classes to ensure their holistic development. In addition, we provide relevant supplementary services such as student counselling.

Highly-Qualified Educators

All classes in our primary school are taught by qualified international teachers who are supported by teaching assistants to ensure children’s continuous progress. Most of our teaching staff come from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. They all hold UK-recognised teaching degrees and many of them have earned a Masteral degree.

They are experts at leading children through the learning process and they plan core subjects in mathematics, literacy, science, arts, and social studies, including geography and history. We also offer specialist teaching classes in music, art, physical education (including swimming), design and technology, and world languages.

Our international primary school has:

  • 600+ Students

  • 40+ Nationalities

  • 130+ English-Speaking Teachers

  • 80+ Extracurricular Activities

  • 12 Sports

  • 100% IB Pass rate

  • 89% iGCSE A* – C

  • 10 Affiliations & Accreditations

Caring Community

In our school, we recognise the incredible potential of each child. Consistent with this, we adopt an inclusive approach that accommodates children’s distinct learning needs and styles.

As an authentic international primary school, we take great pride in our community’s diversity. One of the ways we honour this is by celebrating important cultural events from different parts of the globe. In line with our dedication to inclusivity, we organise activities for all members of our school community, such as the popular International Day.

In spite of our expansive grounds, our primary international school in Bangkok has small student cohorts and a small community atmosphere. To provide close supervision and ample support to each student, we limit classes to 16-18 children per class (with two teaching assistants) in Nursery to Reception. For years 1 to 4, there are 20-22 children per class (with one teaching assistant). For Years 5-6, there are 20-22 children per class (with one teaching assistant).

In our school, children’s relationships with others are top priority, and we proactively ensure that meaningful links are constantly being forged between our school and their home. Behind this is our strong belief in the value of each child’s family support and home experiences when it comes to their holistic development.

Top-Grade School Facilities

Our school features top-level facilities to support children’s optimal learning. Our world-class campus features the following amenities:

  • over 36,000 sqm of extensive and modern facilities

  • 9,000 sqm of playground and sports facilities

  • 250-seat auditorium

  • 25-metre swimming pool (with plans to expand to Olympic size – 50m)

  • 150 parking spaces in our dedicated car parks

  • 4,050 sqm FIFA standard football pitch

To support the developing children’s nutritional requirements, they may either bring home-cooked meals or eat in the school canteen. The canteen provides nutritious morning snacks and a buffet lunch (options include Thai, Western, and vegetarian dishes, along with a salad bar, Asian noodle soup, and fresh fruits for dessert).

Learning Outside the Classroom

We believe that learning should not end within the walls of the classroom.

Our vast green campus has extensive natural spaces that are extensively used for various outdoor learning activities. We also encourage the children to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities that can broaden their experiences—from the arts, to sports, and academics.

We incorporate experiential learning through relevant class trips and community action. Beginning Year 3 onwards, children participate in annual Residential trips, which help deepen their learning and develop their independence, teamwork, eco-awareness, and responsibility towards the environment.

We take great pride in the fact that our graduates went on to top colleges and universities such as:

  • Harvard University

  • The University of Liverpool

  • Seoul National University

  • University of Toronto

  • King’s College London

  • The University of Sydney

  • The University of Tokyo

  • and more

Global Curriculum in Our Primary International School in Bangkok

St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107) is a proud member of Cognita, a global school network of more than 90 schools located across 13 countries. As a Cognita school, we aim to provide outstanding education to the 60,000+ children entrusted to our care and empower them to achieve their full potential.

In accordance with the British curriculum, our international primary school offers world-class education in Two Key Stages.

Key Stage 1 consists of Year 1 and Year 2.

Key Stage 1

In our Key Stage 1 curriculum, we integrate children’s knowledge and build on the skills they mastered from Early Years.

Key Stage 1 core subjects:

  • Science

  • Maths

  • Literacy (English)

  • Computing (including digital citizenship)

Key Stage 1 foundation subjects:

  • Art and Design

  • History and Geography (taught via Topic)

  • Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE)

Key Stage 1 specialist subjects (taught by specialist instructors):

  • Music

  • Swimming

  • Thai Language and Culture

  • Physical Education (PE)

Key Stage 2

On the other hand, Key Stage 2 consists of Years 3, 4, 5, and 6.

At this stage, St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107) international primary school children gain more specialised skills and deeper knowledge across various disciplines. They also display increased self-reliance and independence.

Children are more able to communicate their own ideas and wishes, while also respecting those of others. In all levels of education at our school, we advocate for children to lead their own learning process, while our staff provides them with professional guidance.

Our highly competent teaching staff use a number of proven teaching methods and strategies to cater to children’s diversified learning requirements. We design learning activities that allow children to learn either on their own, together with their peers (in big or small groups), or altogether as a class. As a result, while learning academics, they’re able to improve their communication and collaboration, two of the most crucial skills in the 21st century.

Our curriculum includes cross-curricular subjects that change each term or half-term. We designed our curriculum such that all topics relate to one another, enabling the young minds to see patterns and make connections between what they already know and what they’re learning.

Key Stage 2 core subjects:

  • Science

  • Maths

  • Literacy (reading, writing, and oracy)

Key Stage 2 foundation subjects:

  • Art and Design

  • History and Geography (taught via Topic)

  • Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE)

  • Computing (including digital citizenship)

Key Stage 2 specialist subjects (taught by specialist instructors):

  • Music

  • Swimming

  • Thai Language and Culture

  • Physical Education (PE)

  • A modern foreign language (MFL), with French or Mandarin as available options

After finishing Key Stage 2 in St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107) primary international school in Bangkok, the young minds will have gained the knowledge, skills, and attitude they need to enter and thrive in secondary school, wherever they choose to attend it.

Discover Our Distinguished International Primary School in Bangkok

Discover a world of learning opportunities under one roof as our truly international primary school in Bangkok designs and offers various curriculum options suited to your child’s future path—whether as a leader, speaker, athlete, musician, creative thinker, entrepreneur, or anyone they wish to become.

Schedule a tour with our admissions team to arrange a personal visit to our international primary school in Bangkok. For any inquiries you may have regarding St. Andrews Sukhumvit (S107) international primary school, please feel free to contact us.

Primary Highlights