Here at St. Andrews International School Sukhumvit S107, we take our responsibility in preparing primary and secondary school children for their future university life or even upcoming career quite seriously.
We deliver a holistic approach to learning that ensures young people have the right attitude, knowledge, and skills required to reach their full future potential.
It’s our belief that extra-curricular activities and our holistic approach towards learning is closely tied together. These non-academic clubs and lessons help the youngsters achieve success in both current and future endeavours by opening them up to career choices earlier on.
The children can discover if they are more inclined towards sports, the creative arts, the languages, and so forth from the start even as a primary school child.
This blog post will cover the institution’s approach to holistic educational success by how comprehensive its extracurriculars are and how it can benefit St. Andrews Sukhumvit children throughout their academic career from the present to the future.

The Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) of St. Andrews Sukhumvit
Extra-curricular activities or ECAs are another part of the learning programmes at St. Andrews Sukhumvit. The school provides a myriad of ECAs, including art lessons, cooking, tennis, drama, swimming, various languages, and so forth.
They are designed to assist our youngsters and learners to develop their innate skills, foster their talents, and explore their interests in an engaging or even entertaining way.
Your child can also do additional academic learning outside the curriculum in Science or Math Club. They even cover exclusive extra-curricular clubs like karate, badminton, table tennis, and the like.
“Extracurriculars help bring balance to the school experience of the child as he or she matures into a fully realised and functioning adult instead of merely focusing on their academics.” (Teacher Quote)
The children of St. Andrews Sukhumvit can indulge in various after-school ECAs to meet their specific skills, talents, and interests, covering clubs or activities from French lessons to the Mathematics Club.
Several of their weekly activities include the following extra-curricular clubs or subjects.
- French
- Tennis
- Karate
- Drama
- Soccer
- Spanish
- German
- Cooking
- Arts Club
- Mandarin
- Math Club
- Swimming
- Badminton
- Table Tennis
- Science Club
- Thai Language and Culture
They can base their preferred ECA on their innate talents, passion for learning new life-applicable skills, or personal investment to improve on themselves and their abilities through constructive pursuits.
What is the Purpose of Having Extra-Curricular Activities?
The ECAs of St. Andrews International School Sukhumvit S107assist in contextualising the children’s future career pursuits or impassioned hobbies as they reach puberty or even adulthood.
They can indulge in these ECAs to reinforce their classroom learning while further developing their skills involving collaboration, leadership, and communication.
Furthermore, these extracurriculars balance the young one’s school experience so it’s not exclusively about academics while also benefiting their academic performance in certain aspects.
This holistically develops their wellbeing, mental health, and maturation into adults so that they could learn about “adulting” early on in school.
The ECAs of St. Andrews Sukhumvit offers its learners with multiple opportunities to pursue a wide range of interests to figure out their preferences and passions based on the different activities not covered by their base school curriculum.

Arts and Design
We believe that each St. Andrews Sukhumvit child has their own individual set of skills and strengths that should be nurtured and developed. Those with artistic talent can pursue it to clearly express themselves and better communicate with the world.
From the visual arts to design as well as painting and even music, these school kids should be able to explore the different techniques and mediums available to express themselves artistically.
Everyone wishes to get heard. Many youngsters also learn faster visually and communicate better by visuals than by words and phrases. The Arts Club might be the best option for them.
St. Andrews International School Sukhumvit S107 has a particularly robust ECA language lessons programme. If a child so chooses, they could become polyglots or someone who is multilingual and is fluent in several languages.
The languages taught at St. Andrews Sukhumvit include French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, and even the local Thai language and culture.
Learning more about Thai culture and language should be par for the course for not only Thai citizens but also the children of expatriates or foreigners wishing to live and integrate with Thai society.

Sports and Athletics
Every school understands the importance of athletics in order to develop a well-rounded individual, even if the child is not necessarily gifted athletically. They can improve their self-esteem and confidence by developing skills in ball sports or full-contact sports like karate.
They can also have a taste of competition even as an underdog by learning about athletic competition firsthand, whether it’s traditional tennis or table tennis and badminton.
Team sports such as soccer teaches our young wards the value of cooperation, fulfilling goals as a united front with comrades, and developing close bonds with their fellow players. Besides which, sports like swimming can be life-saving in certain situations.
The child can definitely learn the values of cooperation, teamwork, communication, brotherhood or sisterhood, and self-improvement by developing your skills in a given sport.

Home Economics, Academics, and Miscellaneous
If a child is really passionate about Math & Science, they can become part of the Math & Science Clubs available at St. Andrews International School Sukhumvit S107.
Yes, the whole point of ECAs is to follow pursuits outside of the academic curriculum. However, if a child really does wish to pursue advanced lessons and ECA learning in the Science Club or Mathematics Club, they can feel free to do so.
The Drama Club, meanwhile, allows children to pursue a passion in acting and the performance arts rather than the visual arts. If they wish to learn the basics of the entertainment industry and theatre, they could begin their journey here.
They can also indulge in home economics by learning how to cook with the Cooking Club. It is a domestic life skill a child can learn early on so that they will not have difficulties after university or as part of the workforce to go about “adulting” with a basic life skill.
The Verdict
In summary, we at St. Andrews Sukhumvit follow a holistic approach to education, which means it values extra-curricular activities and how they can help children become well-prepared for every aspect of their future education and potential career.
We are an international school that offers our kids with chances for individualistic development beyond academics. They will also be taught life skills, various personal interests, future career options, and constructive hobbies they could be passionate about.
St. Andrews International School Sukhumvit S107 belongs under the umbrella of the Cognita school group, which is a global institution that owns and operates schools in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
Visit the St. Andrews campus to learn more. Fill out our online form to book a school tour or watch our school’s personalised interactive virtual campus tour for more details.