St. Andrews Sukhumvit 107 International School or S107 is ideal for Bangkok children and teenagers to enter if you wish for them to belong to an all-inclusive and international community of learners prepared to become future leaders and game changers.
The school provides world-class education as the first secondary school in Thailand to be a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified School, making them a prime candidate for your child’s enrolment.
Principles of Learning in the 21st Century
Although the high standards of learning of St. Andrews might seem daunting to most families, they can rest assured that the students can feel safe and enjoy learning there while at the same time having the confidence of attaining international-level education.
It’s also for this reason that the school concentrates on digital learning and applying modern technology such as PCs, the Internet, cloud computing, and mobile devices to their international curriculum.
St. Andrews and The Information Age: The students of the 21st Century are growing up in the Information Age. Many remarkable scientific and technological advances are happening year after year or even month after month. A good international school should keep up with the changing times instead of needlessly adhering to tradition to the point of obsoletion.
Interactive ICT Programme: S107 also has its own Information and Communications Technology (ICT) suite, which is shorthand for its in-campus modern tech devices like iPads/tablets, smartphones, cloud servers, and so forth. They also provide online resources and devices for your child’s academic needs.
Early Digital Literacy is a Must: S107 gives children the opportunity to learn digital skills most other schools let parents deal with. Learning how to use a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, a PC, a keyboard, or a mouse from the start will keep them from falling behind their peers as technology advances even further in the future.
“Bring Your Own Device” Policy: If your children have their own laptops and smartphones, the “Bring Your Own Device” Policy of St. Andrews should enable them to access work from the school’s cloud servers for assisted digital learning. They can get their reading material, tests and assignments by logging into their school accounts using their own devices.
Virtual Learning Environment: St. Andrews Sukhumvit has also transformed their workflows and resources to deliver a more functional education using Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Every last tech available serves as a teaching tool for the academic benefit of the attending students.
Instead of asking children to leave their phones in their bags to read books, S107 instead encourages them to read their books on their phones. The technology is available already, so why not use it?
There are also many sociological challenges and ethical conundrums that come with the rise of things like cryptocurrency, NFTs, and artificial intelligence. If you wish your children to become well-equipped for the future, you should enrol them in a school that understands this new age best.

Helping Children Become Academically Self-Sufficient Students
A school like St. Andrews offers international standards of education. This means your child will get instruction and education using a system used by the top 25 or 50 schools of the world and not just the top ones in Southeast Asia or the East.
As far as St. Andrews is concerned, they are all about helping kids learn the ropes in terms of aiming to become the best that they could be while remaining caring and empathetic to the needs of the planet and community at large.
Maximising Your Child’s Full Potential: The whole point of entering your children to St. Andrews International School is to maximise their potential for growth as individuals. Bring out their unique abilities, strengths, and quirks to the forefront with world-class education applicable to any part of the globe.
Fostering the Growth of Their Talents: St. Andrews also emphasises developing a student body full of leaders, innovators, creative thinkers, artists, athletes, musicians, and outstanding speakers.
The school assists in the development of true pioneers in various fields with a focus on achieving world-class excellence in particular. Self-sufficiency allows children to foster habits of learning on their own without spoon-feeding instructions upon them.
Learning the Value of Excellence: Some people strive to be great while others have greatness thrust upon them. St. Andrews teaches students to give it their all in whatever endeavour they choose to devote their passions to by being more than just a school but also an inclusive and beloved community.
Collaborating in a Caring Community: St. Andrews Sukhumvit is able to make students become self-sufficient individuals with a strong moral fibre and an even stronger will to succeed by fostering a whole community that lives by such tenets.
It’s their aim to teach students on how to become ethical, confident, and well-educated individuals that can survive together in an ever-changing world. St. Andrews also doesn’t neglect teaching kids morals and ethics on top of academics.
Teaching the True Applicable Values of Life: S107 does not only teach children from 0 to 18 years old how to read, write, do mathematics, and engage in physical education as covered by public schools. It’s also an international school that teaches young ones at an early age to identify opportunities and make the most of them.
Having Outstanding Teachers: The teachers of St. Andrews aren’t underpaid and overworked public school teachers who do the bare minimum in order to serve huge swathes of children every school year.
Instead, S107 has highly qualified teachers and staff who assist in providing students with the highest academic standards and nurture their growth in a challenging environment. They are very competent educators in an international school with programmes aligned with the English National Curriculum and the Early Years Framework.
Enjoying a Spacious, Green Campus: Enrolling a child in a private school comes with perks such as being at a spacious suburban campus within Bangkok. Having a relatively small student population in a huge campus ensures a more relaxed learning environment with few distractions and a multitude of support systems.
Gaining a Self-Sufficient Thirst for Knowledge: In the St. Andrews community, students are encouraged to contribute. They are also taught academic self-sufficiency so that whatever they learn remains in their memories long after they graduate.
It’s the aim of the school for students to not merely memorise charts or recite tomes of text without any true understanding of their meaning. They want your children to flourish and become caring learners filled with confidence and a self-sufficient thirst for knowledge.

Enquire Today, Book a Visit, or Do a Virtual Tour
If you wish to view the world-class facilities of St. Andrews Sukhumvit, feel free to do so through this link. Also email them to arrange a visit or to make an enquiry about admission. You can fill in this online form as well if you wish to enquire now.
Finally, if you wish to get a taste of an on-campus tour showcasing the best that St. Andrews has to offer, feel free to visit their virtual tour on their website. This will provide you a good idea of what to expect before actually doing an in-person, in-campus tour.